
Hi! My name is Toby Lindberg and this is my personal website/blog. This is what I look like playing my bass.

Toby Lindberg


Some things about me. I am a husband and father, a musician, an entrepreneur, and a thinker.

Some things I do:


Diggin Roots Band – This is one of my bands. We play an eclectic blend of music based on Delta Blues, Funk, Rock, R&B, Soul, with a little “Jam Band” thrown in.

Channel Six Band – This is my “Power Trio” band. We play a wide variety of covers by people like Tom Petty, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, as well as popular songs from the 50’s through today. And lots of fun 80’s tunes!

I also have a “Toby Lindberg” personal page on ReverbNation HERE.


Lindy Technology Group – My IT Consulting Company. Located in Allegany, NY we service mostly small to medium-sized businesses in the Olean, NY area. Some of the services we offer are:

  • Desktop and Laptop computer repair and upgrades.
  • Managed Services such as computer system monitoring and maintenance.
  • Managed Security for computer systems with BitDefender Cloud. We also manage firewall appliances for security as well as VPN tunnels and more.
  • Website and business email hosting. We offer several packages as well as custom packages to suit everyone’s needs.
  • Website development and design.


This is just something I am into. I started reading about the blockchain concept and testing sometime about 2008. I had a little computer “lab” set up in our basement where the temperatures were cooler. With the help of a small dehumidifier, I maintained a 35% humidity as well. I was mostly playing with hardware and testing out Linux distributions. Reading pure text from a website was much nicer back then so I read a lot of ideas and concepts. Blockchain technology and the idea of a decentralized system of currency didn’t hold my attention very much then really so, on I went to…

In the past year, I started paying more attention to the tech behind crypto as well as mining. Along with mining comes hardware. Building rigs and hacking a video cards BIOS. Playing, tinkering, figuring stuff out, and making it all work. That’s MY thing!